Lodmoor Ahoy!
Sunday 6th April 2014
1.00 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.
A Free Family Event
Come and explore and discover in Lodmoor Country Park!
A variety of activities for children from 3 to 12 years to encourage them and their families to get out and about in the park, taking a close look at the natural and man-made features while having fun together.
New for this year -
the RSPB is joining us with their stall of activities
and wildlife information!
This is the third "Lodmoor Ahoy!" organised by the Friends of Lodmoor Country Park. You don't have to be a member to take part, but new members are always welcome; you can join on the day, for as little as £1 per household.
For more details of "Lodmoor Ahoy!" and to book places (not essential, but helpful!), ring 01305 772075