Lodmoor Ahoy!
Saturday 6th April
  1.00 p.m. - 3.30 p.m. 
A Free Family Event
Come and explore and discover in Lodmoor Country Park!
A variety of activities for children from 3 to 12 years to encourage them and their families to get out and about in the park, taking a close look at the natural and man-made features while having fun together.
The Easter Bunny will have left some chocolate treats for those who play the "Hunt the Bunny" game, and every child gets a free raffle ticket in their activity pack; there are stickers and small treats for completing activities which range from Origami Magic to Plot the Spot and a Children's Green Gym Wildlife Quiz. Look for Lodmoor Bear and meet some other Lodmoor Country Park folk at the same time.
Refreshments will be on sale at the Pitch & Putt Hut, and at 5J's Cafe, where Friends of Lodmoor Country Park can show their membership cards for a special discount.
This is the second "Lodmoor Ahoy!" organised by the Friends of Lodmoor Country Park. You don't have to be a member to take part, but new members are always welcome; you can join on the day, for as little as £1 per household.
For more details of "Lodmoor Ahoy!" and to book places (not essential, but helpful!), ring 01305 772075